To a boat owner:
How much did you spend last year in fuelling your boat? Once launched with fresh bottom paint and clean running gear, when did you first notice the engines not hitting their specified RPM’s for maximum speed? How much further did you have to push the throttle down to get to your regular cruising speed? Were you paying attention to your fuel gauge at the same time? At that particular point in time when out cruising to your favorite spot, you will recall the conversation the service manager tried to have with you about Propspeed, and how Propspeed could actually keep your running gear and propellers free of fuel-robbing marine growth.
Weigh the cost of how much money you spent last year on fuel with the cost of a Propspeed application and I think you’ll agree, Propspeed is the only way to go.
To a boatyard operator:
The cost and work involved to prepare the running gear for either Propspeed or regular anti-foul paint is the same (e.g. making sure the surface has been sanded clean of all existing coatings while ensuring the sanded surfaces have been properly cleaned of any oils or other contaminants). Both products require the exact same procedure. At this point the scope of work for surface preparation is equal, regardless of which type of coating system you apply. There’s no doubt Propspeed is an added-value proposition for the boat owner and for you, the boatyard operator, as well. The owner is willing to pay additional money for something he knows works and adds value to his boat, and for you, you sell a top-tier product that has been tested and validated in the market place for over 21 years.
The boat owner will undoubtedly see the difference when using Propspeed over the life of the coating by realizing a reduction in his fuel-burn, of which, has a price. For you, the difference in selling the boat-owner a traditional AF system versus a Propspeed system you could increase your margins on every boat you haul-out and apply Propspeed to by as much 100%.
Additionally, you are promoting an industry-leading product that has been time-tested with a proven track record behind its name, plus unequalled factory support in the field.